Friday, November 28, 2008

Thursday's Ten...on Friday Again

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving if I didn't list what I was thankful for this year, right? goes.

1. amazing chosen family and friends who continually astound me with their love and caring
2. opportunities to use my gifts in worship and service to others
3. my amazing boyfriend who continually reflects Christ to me
4. my parents for their surprising support during this odd time in my life
5. small pleasures like sipping chai teas all curled up on the couch
6. this time of loss of has made me a more empathetic and caring person overall, I think
7. new relationships made throughout this year
8. the gift of honesty and openness...feeling like I'm living with integrity
9. opportunities to seek God in so many different places
10. the promise of an even brighter tomorrow

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