Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's a Great Day to Take Care of Business

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Busy weekend: another 5K, Colts play!

Good morning all! Weekends are becoming crazy around here--this morning I'm out for another 5K! You may remember that I did the Zoo run a mere 2 weeks ago...and twisted my ankle less than 24 hours following that. Unfortunately my ankle isn't all that much better so I may not match my (awesome) time of 48:36 walking...especially since I hear there are some major hills on our route this time around. But I will NOT be discouraged! I'll be good to finish, happy coming in under an hour...thrilled to make 50 minutes or less, and estatic to beat last 5K time. We shall see!

Thankfully, I have a massage scheduled later this afternoon, which I shall savor. And THEN I get to babysit for 2 of my good friends--4 sweet kids total, all of which I adore (and who, thankfully, adore me right back)

Tomorrow our youth group is 'invading' another church...kind of. The praise band/choir has been asked to lead worship for their service and I am going to lead the choir. It's going to be fun!

And then...

and THEN

My boys play...


Ok, for those of you not into football, you can start reading again. The next little bit is about awards and blogroll and all that housekeeping stuff I really need to do around here!

First of all, I've been given 4 awards that I haven't posted about. At least. There could possibly be more, and for that I apologize! I'm going to give one of them today, and the other 3 will be intermittently given over the next week or so. I feel a little overwhelmed giving them all out at once!

First up is the makes my heart smile award from Brooke. Brooke is one of my absolute favorite bloggers. She is partially (a big partially) responsible for me even DOING the 5Ks that I find myself involved in lately, so it's only fitting that I FINALLY award this one on a day that I'm 5King it :)
(i may possibly have received this award in june. just maybe)

I'm supposed to give this to bloggers that make my heart smile. Well...there are SO many of you. I really hate choosing favorites. So for that reason (and this sounds like a copout but it's SO not) if you're a follower you automatically get this award from me. I can't even express how much I appreciate that people actually want to read what I have to say here.

I'll also give a shout out to 5 specific bloggers who have made me smile in the last week

LolaB - Kasey has some of the best picture stories in her blog, and she's just amazing. I think she had me at her love of all things Parisian, but I just love the way a story unfolds from her fingers. Plus I always like the music she has playing when I visit :)
Marin - this chick is always posting recipes that make my mouth water, and though I follow quite a few foodie blogs...she is one of the few whose recipes I consistently try.
Lemonade Makin' Momma - I love how honest and fun this woman is. I enjoy every post she writes, and I don't say that about most blogs with 'mom' in the title, believe me! :)
Catholic Teacher Musings - perhaps it's the 'teacher' connection, but I often find that her posts strike a deep chord in me. Funny, serious, profound...she runs the gamut and it's all GOOD
Jasmin Loves Coffee - I think this is my most recently followed blog, or pretty close to it. Jasmin is fun and fresh and I may be a tiny bit jealous that she lives in California...right now I'd love to see that gorgeous state!

Last thing (wow, this is quite the novel of a post here!) is...blogroll. I've toyed around with removing it completely, but that doesn't seem quite fair. So...scroll down. If you're not on my blogroll but you WANT to be, please leave a comment and let me know. Simple as that. If you are and don't want to be, please comment as to that or just email me.

There are more housekeeping things to be done in the next week or so, but that's enough for one post! I'll see you all later :)



Lucky in Love said...

Aren't the Colts awesome!! So excited for Sunday!

Bethany said...

Haha, hope you're enjoying the game! Are your boys winning?