Friday, September 30, 2011

recipe of the week: taboulli salad

i love (LOVE) a good, fresh salad
and tabouli
(or taboule, tabbouleh, tabouleh, taboulli...whatever)
has always been a favorite of mine
(well, since i discovered trader joe's version of it...)

i had a hair and makeup trial run on tuesday this week
and 3 of my girls came to get their hair done too
so i decided to have a little spread of hummus and fresh veggies for them.
then i decided to make tabouli salad, serve pita as well and even throw in some frozen falafel for fun

it turned out fairly well*, even though i did have to substitute couscous for the bulghur most recipes i found called for.

here's my spin on it!

1 package fresh parsley
1 package fresh mint
1/2 cup uncooked couscous
juice of 2 limes
1 medium/large tomato
1 scallion
1 clove garlic

1/4 cup olive oil

cook couscous according to package directions

mince parsley and mint (this is easily the most labor-intensive part of cooking this.  it's ri-diculous.  thank goodness for kitchen tools like the herb roller i have!)

it will easily take you the entire couscous preparation time to mince the herbs.  so once they are done, add the lime juice to the couscous.

dice the tomato, chop the scallion
add the parsley, mint and tomato to the lime and couscous mixture.  grate a clove of garlic over the mix and pour the olive oil in as the finishing touch. 

  combine well.  refrigerate for at least an hour before serving.

simple...yummy.  and money saving.  i made about 4 times as much tabbouli for the price i would have paid for it even at trader joe's.  i can deal with that!

*it actually turned out well enough that my friend Natasha said "it's better than trader joe's!"

which i'm pretty sure could be considered blasphemy in some circles.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011 much weight DID you lose? and other questions about hcg

here's the skinny (ha!  see what i did there?) on my hcg diet results

honestly, i wanted to wait a bit, because technically i'm still losing weight.  at a much, much slower rate.  but it means that the diet -- cleanse and metabolism reset -- did exactly what i wanted it to do :-)

total pounds lost: 25 (ish)
total inches lost: 32.5
jean/dress sizes down: 3 or 4 depending on the clothing item

i'm now comfortably wearing about 1/3 of my professional wardrobe.  which is great -- i don't have to go shopping for new cute clothes because i already own them!  i AM planning to go get a few new items to wear on the honeymoon.  because, i need an excuse to go to anthropologie and spend a few bucks.  :-)

i've chosen to keep some of the habits of the diet -- low sugar, low carb.  now...i do enjoy my pasta.  but not every day.  i eat bun-less burgers or sandwiches, choose a wrap over bread, and space out the meals that are higher carb/starch so that i'm not eating pasta and potatoes back to back for example.

i'm happier with lean proteins, and i actually enjoy chicken.  for the first time ever!

and i don't deprive myself.  after all, pumpkin delights are back!

but the number is still going down, slowly and surely.

i recognize the girl in the mirror again.

and i feel good about where i am.

is my body perfect? nah.
am i in a size 4 again? not yet
but am i feeling better than i've felt in years?
you bet.

at first i thought my perspective on food had completely changed
but then i realized that i never had a skewed perception of *food*

my perception of ME
my treatment of myself
that's what was skewed
(and screwed up, truly)

and now that i'm healing
now that i'm recognizing myself again
the healthy food choices
that i've known and wanted all along
are falling into place

hcg gave me the kick-start
the push
the feeling of success through hard work
that i needed to get motivated

i'm not where i absolutely want to be
but i'm on the way
and i feel great
and i'm HAPPY



Sunday, September 25, 2011

meal planning 9.25 - 10.1

it only gets simpler (food-wise) from here to the wedding...

lunch: gnocchi from trader joes.  eaaaasy!
dinner: taco soup

chicken burgers with rosemary garlic mayo

taboulli salad (recipe to come), hummus, pita and veggies, falafel (frozen from trader joe's)
(easy girls night stuff -- it's the hair and makeup trial time)

leftovers night or dinner on our own

pizza night: i think we're going to go to our friends house with takeout pizza since that was actually canceled 2 weeks ago

either with friends, or greek meatloaf and mashed potatoes

lunch: black pepper chicken (new recipe, so will post soon)
dinner: DATE NIGHT


Saturday, September 24, 2011

it's a great day to...probably do more wedding stuff :D

wedding stuff is eating my life these days
but it's ALL good :-)

in the next couple of weeks i'll show you some of the stuff we've come up with for the ceremony, reception, and gifts for the wedding party.

i can't wait to share it all with you...but i promise to not go into overkill wedding mode.  there will be other posts too :-)

hope you have a great weekend!  i'm off to try on our wedding bands and have lunch with a new friend...babysitting tonight...shower at church on sunday.

exciting and quite busy times!

much love,


Friday, September 23, 2011

recipe of the week: beef flank steak wheels

i've been wanting to try this recipe for awhile now, so this week i put it on our menu.
i'll be up-front in that i did a few things wrong, but if i tell you about it, hopefully you won't make the same mistakes!

beef flank steak wheels
1 large flank steak
salt and freshly ground black pepper
6 ounces shredded asiago cheese
8 ounces fresh spinach, stems removed (i used 4...)
6 ounces gorgonzola cheese, crumbled
4 scallions, left whole
8-10 wooden skewers

preheat grill or grill pan
then look in bewilderment at the steak you are supposed to "butterfly"

figure it out, slowly but surely
(start with the meat grain running up and down in front of you.  with your knife, begin cutting the meat in half.  essentially, you want a thinner, larger flank steak.  continue cutting in half until you reach about 1 inch from completely cutting through.  lay the cut flank steak open and even out the middle so there is not a thicker piece in the center.) 
salt and pepper the meat.  this may or may not be a step i forgot, since i was so excited about figuring out "butterflying" adding salt and pepper while it's on the grill is an option.  not a great one, but it works.
 sprinkle asiago cheese
 layer the spinach leaves on top
 and the gorgonzola on top of that
 and top with the scallions
 roll it up and skewer it!
 this is where i made my main mistake.  basically, you want to put several skewers in so that your 'pinwheels' are pretty thin.  i spaced them out WAY too much and ended up with 5 cuts of meat when i should have probably had 10.
but at any rate, cut between the skewers so that you have pinwheels
 place on the grill, and cook until the meat reaches your desired level of "done"
 serve them up!
they were very good despite my "oops", and i'll definitely be playing around with this recipe again!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

thursday's ten: the helpful hints edition

ten things i've learned about spending time in other people's houses.  granted most of this time is spent in a nanny/babysitter role, so most of my tips are specific to that.

1.  it's ok to steal ideas
like the way their cabinets are organized?  see a great use for a piece that you have as well?  um, why not?  i've even asked questions of "hey, how did you..."
think of it as a living pinterest ;-)

2.  there are ranch dressing people and (*gasp*) non-ranch dressing people.  
or, always check available condiments before fixing a particular meal

3.  a little clean-up is always appreciated
i go in with the motto of "leave the house a little better than i found it".  whether that means wiping down the counters, or picking up the toys scattered all over the couch...doing something that takes me 10 minutes means that they get 10 minutes of free(er) time when they get home

4.  always bring your own caffeine (or other vice)
because...they won't always have your drink of choice.  and just NEED another coffee.  trust me.
( goes without saying, hopefully, that if your vice is an actual vice you should leave it at home.  you don't need a glass of wine* or a cigarette or...whatever to get through a few hours with kids.  if you do, you shouldn't be there)

5.  if you want to eat your food of choice, bring it
most of my clients are amazing at literally opening up their fridge, freezer or pantry to me.  but i always have something in my computer bag that i can fix and be happy about if their choices for me don't sound good!

6.  be early, if possible
in nashville traffic with my tight schedule this is nearly impossible for me...but i find that if i PLAN to be early i'm rarely late.  and on time is good :-) 

7.  know the area
if there's construction, crazy traffic, or an accident on your normal path, you don't want to have to rely on a gps to get to a place you've been several times.  know alternate ways in and out, just in case

8.  don't believe everything the children say, no matter how cute and sweet they seem.  also, enforce the rules you ARE sure about.
most likely they AREN'T allowed to watch 3 hours of tv, jump on the couch, or stay up reading for an hour after bedtime.  i always err on the side of strictness...because one night of not getting to do something that seems abnormal to you isn't going to hurt anything, whereas if you let them get away with something it may (a) cause problems for the parents or (b) cause you not to get a call back.

9.  actually PLAY with the kids
they'll love it (and you!).  there are always those kids who'd rather you not play with them (because they're too busy), but they still like attention, so find other ways to interact.  asking them about a particular toy, suggesting play-doh, making a necklace with plastic beads...something to engage them.  you're not there to be their constant companion (unless the parents are delusional) but you ARE there to be the adult presence.  and since you likely don't have a huge list of household chores to get done (unless, again, the parents are delusional OR are paying you extra) you may as well kick back and enjoy the children :-)

10. enjoy the conversations
i LOVE talking with children, particularly those under 5.  you'll be completely entertained if you just listen and interact for awhile!  i have all sorts of gems written down...that's a thursday's ten list all it's own.

*it should be noted that i often babysit for friends or people i know well who say "hey, feel free to have a glass of wine when the kids are in bed!".  i DO sometimes take them up on that, but that's a complete trust issue (they trust me to not be drunk or drink when the kids are up).  i never bring my OWN alcohol, or drink theirs without explicitly being told to help myself.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

what i'm loving wednesday (9.21)

i'm loving that i got to spend last friday night with some of my best girlfriends.  my maid of honor and bridesmaids threw my bachelorette/lingerie shower and it.was.a.blast!  truly, i was just happy to spend time with some of my favorite people...the rest was a nice bonus!
i'm loving that my future husband makes a mean lasagna, and that we have leftovers to last us quite awhile!  can we say comfort food?
i'm loving that baby g's favorite thing right now is to grab the nearest soft blanket or stuffed animal and call for "snuggles?"
i'm loving the flex hours with my office job.  i get to take babysitting jobs, which means more income, and work from home, and pretty much waltz into the office when i feel like it.  i try to the majority of my hours in AT the office, but it does mean that most of the time i can go into work at 10 am and miss the craaaazy traffic.  and feeling professional 3 out of 5 workdays a week is A-MAZING.
i'm loving that pumpkin delights are back.  ahhh, and that the stores near me carry them! (last year i only found them in one store!)
i'm loving fitting comfortably into (most of) my size 6 wardrobe.  there are some outfits that just won't work yet, but i'm so happy to say hello again to some of my professional clothes...
i'm loving thrift store finds.  i have bought a gazillion glass pieces for the reception for less than $50.  bonus is that i don't have any sentimental "hold" if something gets damaged or lost!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

hey, it's ok (tuesday)

hey, it's ok have found a line of suuuuper comfy sweatpants (bamboo and organic cotton, thank you) that you pretty much want to live in. be planning one full evening of creating tomorrow. here's hoping the necklace i have in my head is as fantastic as i think it will be! be honored that i have been chosen to take over the boss's emails and other duties while she's away. considering i have only been at this job since late july, that's pretty cool...and YAY for extra hours worked meaning extra money for wedding stuff! be nerdily (?) excited about the idea of sitting down with my future hubby and coming up with a tentative monthly budget. now...if only we could find a time to SIT.DOWN. ;-) hope that the 24/7 post office is still in service, since i will most likely need to use it wednesday late! feel a *need* to find your label maker for pantry items and the storage room. because, whats more fun than a crisp and shiny label on stuff? hope that there is a fabric out there that both anthony and i will LOVE to recover the couch in the living room with. i so want my red and turquoise scheme, and that just isn't going to happen with the couch in it's present condition. be absolutely one hundred percent disgusted by the slug you found eating the cat food late last night. what is the DEAL with that anyway? been there, done that...maybe i should find some high-sodium food for emi.

go to amber's blog to link up with your own list of ok things...or just to read some awesomely funny stuff.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, September 18, 2011

meal planning 9.18 - 9.24

so as i go through and make some of these recipes again i'll be updating the recipe posts with step-by-step pictures when needed...and at least better quality photos of the end result!  my new kitchen has much more room to spread out, and incredibly better lighting. 

dinner: lasagna.  his mom's recipe, and he's cooking it! woo!

flank steak wheels with greek salad

stir fry night (ginger noodles for me, terriyaki for him) with trader joe's chicken cilantro wontons

shepherd's pie

bbq chicken pizza with anthony's sisters (two pizzas: sweet bbq sauce for him, spicy for me)

dinner on our own: he's having a guys night in while i'm having a kitchen/linens shower at one of their (our, i suppose :-) family friends houses

lunch: chicken burgers with garlic-rosemary mayo
dinner: on our own.  i'm i'll take leftovers with me


Friday, September 16, 2011

EASY recipe of the week: stuffed mushrooms

ready for one of the easiest appetizers EVER?

1 pkg whole mushrooms
1 cup freshly grated mozzarella
4 ounces cream cheese (room temp)
4 ounces sour cream

(1) remove stems from mushrooms and place on baking sheet

(2) mix together mozzarella, cream cheese and sour cream.

(3) fill each mushroom with cheese mixture.

(4) bake at 350* for about 15 minutes

(5) enjoy!

(crappy iphone photo...sorry)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

thursday's ten: the 'meep' edition

we're at 23 days, people.

and so? here's the skinny on what is done for the wedding since the last time i posted!

1.  chair rental is taken care of. 
2.  invitions are ordered and on their way
3.  engagment photo session is done
4.  cake selected
5.  flower place chosen, working on the order
6.  dress alterations begun (it had to go down a couple of sizes...)
7.  centerpieces for reception in process
8.  most of the food for the reception is purchased
9.  wedding coordinator person booked
10. moving most of both of our stuff to the house (i still consider that wedding stuff, since it'll help s be more settled and less stressed on oct 8 to be all moved in!)

what's left?  well, nitty gritty details (like the exact music, program order, etc) and paying for stuff.  lots and lots of stuff.  sigh.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

review: Good Morning Lord by Sheila Walsh

So, a long time ago I received another book to review from booksneeze.

I review for BookSneeze®

Unfortunately, life happened (in the form of getting engaged, switching jobs, moving...again, etc) and I kind of forgot to post the review.

So, here's the really, really late version!

Let me just start off by saying...

Devotional books?  Not (normally) my thing.  Normally I find them a bit trite and simplistic. But when I saw this one was written by Sheila Walsh I decided to take a chance.  And I'm glad I did!  I knew from the subtitle that I was going to at least mildly enjoy this one ;-)

Sheila has such a refreshing voice, such a way of capturing insights.  And at the same time, you can imagine yourself having a conversation with her over a strong cup of coffee.  Nothing in this book is "out of reach", but it is theologically sound and Spirit-breathed. 

There are the expected short (2-3 paragraph) excerpts and questions for each day...but somehow this one doesn't feel trite or too simple.  It is focused and clear, and often spoke to just where I was.

I found myself reading pretty much the entire book in one sitting (perhaps THIS is why devotionals aren't my thing) but I've now tucked it in my laptop bag so that I can take it to work each day and read it as intended.

Thanks (once again) to booksneeze for giving me the chance to read another new favorite :-)
I review for BookSneeze®
*disclaimer: I received this book free to review.  All opinions expressed in this post are my own.  I was not required to give a positive review.  The gushing is all mine.  ;-)

hey, it's ok (tuesday)

hey, it's ok really not like yogurt. like, at all. sometimes wish that all the batteries would disappear out of the noisy and annoying toys reaaaaallllly be ready for the new iPhone to be released already. totally lay down on the couch and take the shortest catnap* ever while the baby is strapped in her chair eating breakfast. it was an early morning and it's the only time she's contained! ha. be excited about the gifts for my bridesmaids. i'd get detailed, but a few of them read this blog... have found it a total blessing that the second family i was working for switched childcare options on me. it has made my mwf schedule completely flex, and i can now babysit those days as well as working in the office. frankly, i'd rather work for clients i know and adore than the people who "broke up" with me via a text message! be really looking forward to my lingerie shower/bachelorette party this friday. mainly because it means most of my best girlfriends will be in the same place as me for several hours! the other stuff is just gravy :-) have hung out in the room with all the guys instead of the girls this past sunday afternoon. hey, football was on. just because my trams both lost doesn't mean i don't watch! still be getting used to the new look for blogger dashboard.  but i like it? be ready for naptime. for baby g. and who am i kidding...for me too :-)

*by "catnap" i mean i laid on the couch with one eye kind of closed and relaxed for 10 minutes while she ate the healthy and nutritious breakfast i'd made for her.  i just needed to rest! :-)

go here and see the original "hey, it's ok!" (and to read some pretty awesome other posts...)

Monday, September 12, 2011

peace in the storm: women of faith 2011

on our way back from atlanta, i read the awful news that in indianapolis a stage had collapsed at the state fair and killed several.
my heart ached for my home state
and the following week, Women of Faith was there.

the following week, hurricanes threatened
and in the midst of the storms
Women of Faith was in D.C.

this weekend marked the 10th anniversary of one of the darkest days our nation has ever seen
and in Philly, one of the sites of tragedy
Women of Faith gathered

at first, i was annoyed at myself for not writing up our trip to WoF right away when i got back.

after all, it was an amazing time
great worship
powerful, powerful speakers
and so.many.nuggets to take home from each session

but when the hurricane threatened the east coast and i realized that WoF was basically following catastrophe
i realized there was a pattern

there is NO WAY the people who create the schedule could have planned it this way
it has to be completely Spirit-inspired, God-breathed

because the message of WoF this year
is that GOD.IS.THERE
in the midst of whatever storm you face

it seems to me that it is NO accident
that the circuit they are riding is one where tragedy or storm has hit so close to home...recently.

one of the most powerful sessions to me was Shelia Walsh on friday afternoon, as she said over and over the words of Christ:
"in this world, you WILL have trouble"

i seriously wish i could have written out every powerful statement uttered by each person

from Angie Smith's beautiful story
to Lisa Harper's refreshing honesty
to Nicole Johnson's poignant vulnerability
and Luci Swindoll's amazing presence
to Shelia Walsh's cheeky and glorious presentation

as we got in the car to head home on saturday night
my future mother in law looked at me and said
"there isn't a single moment of that conference that wasn't amazing."

and she was right.
i've collected some nuggets here for you
but i would highly, highly encourage you
to GO
this year, if you can
(because it is POWERFUL, ladies)
but if not,
join me next year
because as soon as this wedding is out of the way?
i'm signing up with the first "spending money" i get

from fridays early sessions

"the safest place to be is where Jesus is"
"He's got a bigger miracle for you than the one you've asked Him for"
- Sheila Walsh

"we have the same power of the Holy Spirit to do supernatural things as Jesus did."
- Steve Arterburn (the *male* founder of WoF) -- i believe this is the statement that made me tweet 'come ON, preach it!'

(clearly friday was *powerful* and what i've written here doesn't even begin to do it justice.  so many moments of realizing just how awesome and powerful our God is!)

and from saturday
peace is not the absence of trouble. peace is the Presence of Christ - Sheila Walsh

If you're going through a tough time, it's not because God's mad at you - Laura Story

in a session where she shared a fairly amazing story about an Angelic visitation and some of her darkest days
"we're walking right into your biggest fear, but I AM coming with you..."
"the Shepherd knows where to find you" 
"you don't clean yourself up to come to your Father"- Sheila Walsh

sharing her story and making us all simultaneously laugh and cry:
nothing in God's economy is ever wasted
The Lord says I can't get you out but I can sit here with you. - Nicole Johnson

(see what i mean? hearing the stories of storms that these women have gone through and how God alone has worked miraculous things through them...well, that's something we can ALL get hope from)

and bringing grace, dignity and beauty to the stage (even in sickness!)
if you enjoy it, you DO improve the world - Luci Swindoll


meal-planning 9.11 - 9.17

i'm getting into this meal planning thing again
mostly because our shapers have worked overtime
and i have a monthly (yes.  monthly) meal plan schedule

i'm happy in my organizational mode
probably because i have a huge kitchen to cook in
and plenty of room in the pantry to stock staple items

so here's what's on the menu this week.  a fairly simple week...don't expect anything too fancy between now and 10.8  ;-)

l - pigs in a blanket (easy meal due to football and getting the house ready to entertain for dinner)
d - stuffed mushrooms (recipe to come shortly), tortellini minestrone soup and tiramisu

hamburger helper night (hey, don't judge us ;-)

steak and veggie kabobs

tomato basil soup with grilled cheese sandwiches

pizza night (a weekly thing) -- this week we are picking up pizzas from a local place and taking them to a friends house to hang out

dinner on our own -- it's my lingerie shower and bachelorette!

l - on our own (although we're helping a friend move so pizza is likely)
d - panini bar (since there are sure to be a few straggling overnight guests from the previous night!)


Friday, September 9, 2011

settling in

at the end of june, anthony found out that his job had an expiration date
which was the end of august

clearly, not the BEST timing in the world's eyes
but we couldn't help think
that God was probably up to something


we struggled for a few moments whether to apply at the townhomes we were interested in
finally settling on applying as we had planned
only stepping back if no job prospects had materialized for him by the time we were supposed to sign the lease in early september
a step of faith

and we continued tithing and giving beyond that when we felt so inclined
feeling that God has SO blessed us
that there's no reason to hang onto money that's not even ours
out of a spirit of fear

life went on
anthony began the job hunt
we were thankful that they had given him 2 months notice
but there were still some fearful moments

and then, in mid-july
i was driving home from job #1 on a friday when he called me
and the conversation started like this
"you are not going to BELIEVE the conversation i just...
actually...YOU'RE going to believe this."

he proceeded to tell me that our friends who had recently moved out of state
had been wanting to rent, rather than sell, their home
and that they really wanted us to live there
so much that they had low-balled the rent to $100 less per month than we'd be paying at the townhome.

when our friend T, the realtor handling all this
called him to tell him this
he explained that while that was an INCREDIBLY good deal
and one that would be perfect
we just weren't in a position right now to do that
because of his job uncertainty
and while we would obviously hate to not be able to pay rent at an apartment complex
we would REALLY not want to do that to friends

at that point she said "it's interesting you mention that..."
and explained that for some time these friends of ours
had been feeling that God might be asking them
to use this house as a ministry
to let people who are struggling financially
(just lost jobs, just starting out, paying down debt, etc)
stay in the house for a very reduced rent
or even free

we went to see the house the following sunday
and were absolutely floored
easily 3 times (at least) the size of the townhouse
(it's like God said "ok, I'll see your townhouse and I'll raise you...")

at the end of a cul-de-sac
facing the woods...
it's perfect.

and it's perfect for so many reasons

our mission statement that we had to write in our marriage prep class went something like this
"our mission is to serve and love families through hospitality, writing and teaching."

we thought it would be years before we'd be able to REALLY put that hospitality thing to work
but this house?  completely enables us to not only host large gatherings, but to offer beds and rooms to guests and friends for extended periods of time.  it's SO our heart to do that, and God just handed us the perfect place to do so.

anthony loves to tell people that before we were ever engaged we talked about "dream homes" for WAY in the future.  our list included the following *small* details

- a window over the kitchen sink (my wish)
- no tile tubs/showers (a's wish)
- a deck and nice backyard
- close to an interstate (a must in nashville) but a quiet neighborhood
- family friendly neighborhood
- a fireplace
- a big tub (me again)
- a HUGE kitchen
- lots of natural light
- a bonus room for a man cave (guess who ;-)

guys.  this house?  has every.single.detail and more.

my favorite part of the story has to do with a prophetic word that one of our pastors gave me a few months ago.  he was talking about my life and the things that had been taken unfairly.  and he said "there's a verse in the Bible that says that when the enemy steals something for you he has to repay it 7-fold" and that he really felt i would see fruit of that verse over the next several months, in every facet of my life.

when the mortgage company made that huge error last spring, i ended up with 10 days to move out of my condo

the other day i got a bit curious and decided to count the number of days from the day T had said "yes, absolutely start moving your stuff in the house whenever you'd like" to our wedding date.

i re-counted after the first count.

because the number?  was 70.  exactly 70.  7 times the amount of days i had to move a year and a half ago.

if i hadn't already been sure this was God...i certainly would have been at that moment.

meanwhile, anthony is working a temporary gig for the next several months
but we've been told to not pay a cent of rent until after our wedding.

don't you ever, ever doubt it


Thursday, September 8, 2011

thursday's ten: choose your own adventure...

um.  it's been WEEKS since i've posted.  so today's thursday's ten is going to be a choose your own adventure.  each number is something i need to tell you about/update you on.  so...comment with a number or two and that will determine which order i go in!

1.  our housing situation...the amazing God-story
2.  anthony's job
3.  my new job(s)
4.  the recipes i've been trying lately
5.  how much weight i ACTUALLY lost on the diet :D
6.  wedding updates
7.  our indiana shower
8.  pinterest ideas that i've actually used
9.  women of faith in atlanta
10.  our friend's visit this weekend

SO.  all will be talked about (geez, i'd better get to typing), you just choose which ones first :D

and...yeah.  i promise i will get to my google reader now and start commenting on all your lovely blogs that i have truly missed SO MUCH.  in my defense i've been moving for the last 2 weeks and just got internet TODAY at the new place.  :-)
