Monday, September 12, 2011

meal-planning 9.11 - 9.17

i'm getting into this meal planning thing again
mostly because our shapers have worked overtime
and i have a monthly (yes.  monthly) meal plan schedule

i'm happy in my organizational mode
probably because i have a huge kitchen to cook in
and plenty of room in the pantry to stock staple items

so here's what's on the menu this week.  a fairly simple week...don't expect anything too fancy between now and 10.8  ;-)

l - pigs in a blanket (easy meal due to football and getting the house ready to entertain for dinner)
d - stuffed mushrooms (recipe to come shortly), tortellini minestrone soup and tiramisu

hamburger helper night (hey, don't judge us ;-)

steak and veggie kabobs

tomato basil soup with grilled cheese sandwiches

pizza night (a weekly thing) -- this week we are picking up pizzas from a local place and taking them to a friends house to hang out

dinner on our own -- it's my lingerie shower and bachelorette!

l - on our own (although we're helping a friend move so pizza is likely)
d - panini bar (since there are sure to be a few straggling overnight guests from the previous night!)


1 comment:

Larri said...

Sometimes 'simple and easy' fits better than anything else. ☺ Planning is still far better than winging it every night.

Happy Monday! ☺

PS...Hope your party is tons of fun! Ooh-la-la - lingerie! ☺