Saturday, December 3, 2011

3 in 30: and now for december

first a recap of last month's goals:

1. have grandpa's house cleared of my stuff, except the freezer stuff that we'll keep there.
2. have at least one meal weekly (preferably the evening meal) that is vegetarian or even vegan
i've been successful, and have usually done more than 1 meal a week, considering i bring a vegetarian lunch somewhat often.  yay veggies :-)
3. MOVE.  500 minutes or more of exercise.
i didn't quite make it, but because i was sick for awhile i'm giving myself a pass here.  i was about 50 minutes short of 500.  frustrating because 500 is not THAT many, but i'll get there :-)

now for december's goals!

1.  get both guest rooms in working order (read: guests don't have to sleep between boxes...) and the garage organized
2.  MOVE.  i'm sticking with the 500 minute mark until i make it, and then i'll increase it :-)
3.  come in well under budget in at least 3 of our categories this month.  this is clearly a combined effort with my husband, but we did really well this past month so i see no reason to not make it a goal!



Larri said...

Great goals, Lora! I like your idea of the 500 minutes of moving. Hmm...may have to steal that for myself. ;) Happy Sunday, sweet friend!

Amanda said...

I love the idea of breaking things down into manageable sizes, and we all know how much I like goals :) also, I will be making that blueberry thing you posted as soon as I have a kitchen of my own again, whenevs that will be, ha!