Friday, October 29, 2010

Fitness Friday: revolution

last year i discovered jamie oliver on a whole new level
i'm not sure how many of you watched his show but it was amazing.  and now food revolution has grown to be even more. his commitment to promoting healthier choices in cafeterias across the united states is astounding, and i fully support his efforts.  after all, it won't be too long before i will have children eating in a school cafeteria...i consider my attention to this issue NOW as an investment in their future.

(plus, as an educator, it'd be nice to have the option to walk into the school cafeteria from time to time and get a well-balanced lunch when i didn't have the time or energy to pack one.  i'm speaking in the nearer future for that one...God willing)

today's fitness friday is a little different -- i'm letting someone else do the talking.  a fairly famous someone else, and someone who most certainly doesn't even know this blog exists.  yep, i copied and pasted straight from his can find the direct link to what i grabbed right here.

his philosophy so embodies how i feel about food, and i'll remind myself of that the next time i feel a bit guilty for eating a meal of comfort food :0)

Food philosophy

My philosophy to food and healthy eating has always been about enjoying everything in a balanced, and sane way. Food is one of life's greatest joys yet we've reached this really sad point where we're turning food into the enemy, and something to be afraid of. I believe that when you use good ingredients to make pasta dishes, salads, stews, burgers, grilled vegetables, fruit salads, and even outrageous cakes, they all have a place in our diets. We just need to rediscover our common sense: if you want to curl up and eat macaroni and cheese every once in a while – that's alright! Just have a sensible portion next to a fresh salad, and don't eat a big old helping of chocolate cake afterwards.

Knowing how to cook means you'll be able to turn all sorts of fresh ingredients into meals when they're in season, at their best, and cheapest! Cooking this way will always be cheaper than buying processed food, not to mention better for you. And because you'll be cooking a variety of lovely things, you'll naturally start to find a sensible balance. Some days you'll feel like making something light, and fresh, other days you'll want something warming and hearty. If you've got to snack between meals, try to go for something healthy rather than loading up on chocolate or potato crisps. Basically, as long as we all recognize that treats should be treats, not a daily occurrence, we'll be in a good place. So when I talk about having a 'healthy' approach to food, and eating better I'm talking about achieving that sense of balance: lots of the good stuff, loads of variety, and the odd indulgence every now and then. 
(and jamie ;)


Sandra said...

Yes, I completely agree! And it's not like Jamie Oliver is hard on the eyes either! :) Your view of life and health is very...well, healthy!

Brooke said...

this is where i want to be. still working through it, but its the ultimate goal.

Joann Mannix said...

Jamie Oliver is one of my heroes. My girls have been eating a nutritionally sound, Mediterranean diet since the day they were born. We have always worked hard to eat healthily in our house. I was appalled when my girls started school and I saw the awful choices in the lunch room. His revolution is catching fire, not quickly enough in my opinion, though. I'm in the south, so it might take a bit longer, but I'm doing the happy dance knowing somebody is trying to change our children's eating habits.

Katie Gates said...

Good advice, and the key word is balance. That's true, though, for everything, right? Regarding food, I think the key also is to make sure you include more than a few primary colors throughout the day (unless they're jelly beans!). Back when I lived in NYC, I remember reflecting on what I had eaten one day: everything had been brown! (Not a good sign.)

Mattie said...

I JUST got his cookbook. I'm so excited to try some of his recipes, and I love his philosophy!