Monday, March 9, 2009

Titus 2 Tuesday

Happy Tuesday all!

What have learned from another woman this week? (or ever)

This week I'll introduce you to Suzanne. Suzanne and I bonded shortly after I began attending the church I'm a member of--not only were we both middle school music teachers, but we were also both a little crazy. Ok, ok, the two go hand in hand!

Suzanne and I eventually were in the same small group (she was the one who invited me) and singing on the same Praise Team. The first Christmas I knew her she gave me a Magic 8 Ball with the explanation that while teaching middle schoolers the answers may as well come from there as anywhere :0) We laughed and were crazy together, but I knew (know) that if I ever need anything all I have to do is pick up the phone or log onto my email. Suz' would do anything she could for me, and it goes both ways.

Suzanne's husband, Richard, was the worship leader for our praise team's week and about 8 months ago he was offered a job as a music minister for a church just down the road. So, while we no longer attend church together we still see each other...although not nearly as often as either of us would like.

Last weekend Richard called me to ask if I would help them sing at a funeral. I went, and we enjoyed spending some time together (well, as much as one can enjoy a funeral...). Suz' at one point looked at me and said "Love looks good on you!"

I got the sweetest card from Suz' a few days later. Just a small excerpt from what she wrote:

"You really do look fabulous. I pray things are looking up for you. You seem to be happy. I forget how much I miss you until I get to be with you. Then I have this ray of sunlight of you, and I'm "in the dark" when you've gone. You are so special, and I want you to know that!"

It was the SWEETEST card ever...and it pretty much sums up how I feel about her. She is a breath of fresh air, every time I get to be with her.

I have several photos of the two of us, but this is one of my favorites. It's from 3.5 years ago when we combined her (private, upper-class white) choir and my (public, very diverse) choir for pizza and a movie while we were at a Mass Choral Festival. We were "doing what we do" and enjoying learning from each other.

Once again, if you haven't asked me a question for my 100th post, please leave a comment at this post or email me at As of this post, we're 4 away! Oh...and there may be a little giveaway to celebrate this as well!



Shanda said...

That is the sweetest card ever! Thanks for sharing her with us!

BTW, when you link over, it links back to your original Titus 2 Post (not sure if that is intentional on your part or not) but you may want to just copy & past your current post's link each time.(I always just click on it on the side bar.) Just wanted to make sure you knew.


Unknown said...

How sweet!!! I love random cards sent by girlfriends! :)

seesawfaith said...

What an amazing comment in your card.

Thanks so much for telling us about your friend.

Laura said...

This is a wonderful idea for a post.
Love it.